Name |
Author |
Year |
Materials Technology : Challenges & Opportunities |
Sundaram, C.V. & Ranganathan, S. (Ed.by) |
1996 |
Microprocesser Microcomputer and Their Applications |
Mukhopadyay, A.K. |
1996 |
81-7319-034-8 |
Mineral Resources of Karnataka (A Recent Review) |
Radhakrishna, B.P. |
1996 |
Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis |
National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur (Pub.by) |
1996 |
Ninth National Power Systems Conference (2 Vols.) |
Ghosh, A. |
1996 |
Opto-Electronics : Current Trends (I.E.T.E. Book Series Vol.V) |
Selvarajan, A. & Shenai, Krishna |
1996 |
0-07-462455-5 |
Pile Foundations for Buildings & Structures in Collapsible Soils |
Grigorian, A.A. |
1996 |
Precision engineering in Manufacturing |
Murthy, R.C. |
1996 |
Processing of Indian Bauxite & Alumina (Bauxal-96) |
Banerjee, G.N. |
1996 |
Reduction in Transmission and Distribution Losses & Remedial Measures |
Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi (Pub.by) |
1996 |
Reduction in Transmission and Distribution Losses and Remedial Measures, (Revised and Enlarged) |
Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi (Pub.by) |
1996 |